Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Introducing fhck, a brainf*ck interpreter written in Haskell!

If you haven't heard of brainf*ck, you should totally check it out, because it's probably the coolest programming language of them all!

Also, probably one of the simplest...

That's why I decided to write an interpreter for it!

This is the product of about 3 days of work, give or take, but the sessions were long and I put a lot into it.

If you're a Haskeller reading this, please feel free to critique it (I'm sure it could be improved in many places)!

If you're not, please feel free to check it out anyway! I encourage everyone to play around with brainfuck a little bit because it's actually a  lot of fun.

If you're not familiar with the language, a quick look through brainfuck's Wikipedia page should help you to understand what's going on in brainfuck (it's not too complex).

With the interpreter, you can write a file, say thisisbf.b, containing the classic "Hello, world!" brainfuck program directly from the wikipedia page:

and pass it to the interpreter:

on Windows:
$ build\windows\fhck.exe thisisbrainfuck.b
or Linux (or presumably Mac OSX, though I haven't tried):
$ build/linux/fhck thisisbrainfuck.b
...and it should print "Hello, world!" to your console!

Neat, right? (I think so!)

Download link/source is located here: fhck 1.0


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